Categoría: Propio Ordinario de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ICAI), Departamento de Organización Industrial
BA in Law and PhD in Economics (Comillas Pontifical University). Since 1992 she has been a lecturer in economics, accounting and finance at the Department of Industrial Organisation at the School of Engineering, ICAI. She became a full professor in 2019. Since 2000 she collaborates with the University Institute for Migration Studies, a centre which she directed between 2012 and 2018 and which she has been directing again since 2021. Her main research topics are migration, racism and xenophobia, immigrant labour market, migration and development and more recently the relationship between disasters and social vulnerability. She coordinated the IMMERSE project (2018-2023), funded by the European Commission's H2020 programme, on the development of integration indicators for refugee and migrant children, and is currently co-leading Lets Care under the Horizon Europe umbrella, devoted to preventing the early school dropout of vulnerable children. She also heads the FRANET research in Spain for the Fundamental Rights Agency since 2014. Between 2008 and 2020, she was the chief editor of Migraciones, the most prestigious specialised journal in Spain (Q1 Scopus). Since 2012 he has coordinated the PhD Programme in International Migration. She is a member of the Think Tank of the AON Spain Foundation, and of its Catastrophes Chair, which researches the connection between social vulnerability and natural disasters.
Despacho: Instituto de Migraciones
Teléfono: +34 915422800
Correo electrónico:
Perfil del investigador
CV externo
Licenciado en Derecho, Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
Doctor/a en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
Migraciones y desarrollo.
Mercado de trabajo inmigrante.
integración y cohesión social.
Análisis de costes y finanzas.
Políticas públicas de inmigración.
Racismo y xenofobia.
Migración cualificada.
Economía Financiera y Contabilidad.
La profesora María Mercedes Fernández García tiene 33 años de experiencia en esta Universidad, y en los últimos años ha impartido las siguientes asignaturas:
Economía y Empresa
Trabajo de Fin de Máster
Trabajo Fin de Grado
Trabajo Fin de Máster (MII)
Sexenio Campo 7.1 - Ciencias Sociales, Políticas, del Comportamiento y de Estudios de Género (2017-2022)..
Sexenio Campo 7 - Ciencias Sociales, Políticas, del Comportamiento y de la Educación (2010-2016)..
Sexenio Campo 7 - Ciencias Sociales, Políticas, del Comportamiento y de la Educación (2001-2009)..
Certificación ACAP - Profesor Doctor de Universidad Privada (06/10/2005)..