Categoría: Propio Agregado de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales
José Manuel Saenz Rotko is a full professor of the Department of International Relations and currently Associate Dean International of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Comillas. He studied Theology and Hispanic Studies in Vienna, Graz and Salamanca. After working for a couple of years for the Spanish News Agency EFE in Frankfurt and the European Commission in Brussels (Group of Policy Advisors to the President of the EC) he obtained a Master's degree in International Relations by the Complutense University of Madrid and a PhD in Theology by the University of Graz (Church History-International History). Since 2002 he is linked to the Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid where he teaches courses on International History, European Union and other issues related to current international topics. He led the establishment in Spain of undergraduate degrees in International Relations. From 2009 to 2019 he directed the BA degrees in International Relations, Translation and Interpreting and Global Communication at Comillas University. he spent the academic year 2019-2020 as visiting scholar at the Department of Contemporary History of the Catholic University of Eichstätt (Germany), were he conducted several research projects. His research interests focus on History of International Relations (especially during the 30s and 40s of the 20th Century), Spanish Foreign Policy, Public Diplomacy and Curricular Design in International Relations. In this framework he has taken part as research fellow in several research projects awarded on a competitive basis by the Spnish Ministry of Science and Technology. He is member of the GHistRI (Spanish Inter-University Research Group on History of International Relations) and the CEHRI (Spanish Commission on History of International Relations).
Despacho: D-412B
Teléfono: 91 734 39 50 ext. 4250
Correo electrónico:
Doctor/a en Teología, Karl - Franzens - Universität Graz de Austria.
Licenciado en Teología, Universidad de Graz (Austria) de Austria.
Clio: España en las relaciones internacionales. Historia, ideas, imágenes, acción política.
Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales.
Política exterior y europea de Alemania.
Guerra Fría e integración europea.
Política internacional de la Santa Sede.
Historia Contemporánea.
El profesor José Manuel Sáenz Rotko tiene 22 años de experiencia en esta Universidad, y en los últimos años ha impartido las siguientes asignaturas:
Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales
Módulo 2: Política Internacional
Trabajo de fin de Grado
Miembro del Grupo de Investigación de Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales GHistRI (interuniversitario; dir. Prof. Juan Carlos Pereira)..
Miembro de la Comisión Española para la Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales (CEHRI)..
Certificación ANECA - Profesor de Universidad Privada (04/10/2023)..
Certificación ANECA - Profesor Contratado Doctor (04/10/2023)..
Sexenio Campo 10 - Historia, Geografía y Artes (2017-2022)..
Máster en Relaciones Internacionales y Comunicación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid..