Morales Mediano, Javier

Categoría: Propio Adjunto de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales (ICADE), Departamento de Marketing

Javier Morales Mediano holds a PhD from the University of West London (UK) since 2018. He is the Vice Dean of the School of Postgraduate Studies and Lifelong Learning at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas. He previously was the co-director of the DBA in Management and Technology. He is also Associate Professor in the Marketing Department at Comillas. He regularly teaches Strategic and International Marketing and Marketing Analytics to undergraduate and master's degree students. He is used to apply different teaching methodologies (case discussions, simulations, flipped classrooms, etc.). He is also Visiting Lecturer in other international institutions, like Advantere School of Management and the University of Loyola Andalucía. He has extensively researched about Social Media Marketing, Customer Orientation and Highly Relational Services. He has published in several journals like Marketing Intelligence and Planning and the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing and participated in several international conferences. Before joining the academia in 2014, Dr. Morales Mediano worked for many years in different companies from several sectors where he held both technical and managerial positions. He achieved substantial international experience in Latin America, the Middle East and Europe, and can speak Spanish, English, Italian, and Portuguese fluently. He also acquired an MBA at IESE Business School in 2007 and graduated with an MSc in Industrial Engineering in 2001.


Despacho: Escuela de Postgrado y Lifelong Learning

Teléfono: +34915422800

Correo electrónico:

Perfil del investigador CV externo / Twitter / LinkedIn

Formación académica

Máster in Business Administration (MBA), IESE Business School (Universidad de Navarra).

Ingeniero Industrial, Universidad de Alfonso X el Sabio.

Ingeniero Técnico Industrial, Universidad Pontificia Comillas.

Doctor/a en Economía, University of West Lodon de Reino Unido.

Áreas de Investigación

Customer Orientation of Services Employees.

Highly Relational Services.

Family Business.

Service Marketing.

Experiencia docente

El profesor Javier Morales Mediano tiene 7 años de experiencia en esta Universidad, y en los últimos años ha impartido las siguientes asignaturas:

  • Marketing Analítico / Marketing Analytics

  • Cursos DBA

  • Dirección de Marketing / Marketing Management

  • Trabajo Fin de Grado

  • Trabajo de fin de Grado

  • Marketing Global

  • Dirección de Marketing

  • Trabajo Fin de Máster

Publicaciones Seleccionadas
  • C. Martínez Nebot, J. Morales Mediano, The wealth creator and family business: a perspective article. Journal of Family Business Management . Vol. Online first, nº Online first, págs. .-., Noviembre de 2023.. ISSN: 2043-6238. Repositorio:
  • J. L. Ruiz-Alba Robledo, J. Morales Mediano, R. Ayestarán, P. J. López Tenorio, Fashion events and e-WOM. Event Management. Vol. 26, nº 2, págs. 405-417, Enero 2022-Febrero de 2022.. ISSN: 1943-4308.
  • L. Pinto Gurdiel, J. Morales Mediano, J. A. Cifuentes Quintero. Artículo aceptado para el IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Jóvenes Investigadores en Economía y Empresa. A comparison study between coherence and perplexity for determining the number of topics in practitioners interviews analysis. Págs. 225-234, Madrid, 20 de diciembre de 2021.. ISBN/ISSN/Depósito Legal/Página Web: SE 226-2022. Repositorio:
  • C. Martínez Nebot, J. Morales Mediano. Artículo aceptado para el IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Jóvenes Investigadores en Economía y Empresa. The Wealth Creator. A research agenda. Págs. 783-792, Madrid, 20 de diciembre de 2021.. ISBN/ISSN/Depósito Legal/Página Web: SE 226-2022. Repositorio:
  • U. J. Vázquez Martínez, J. Morales Mediano, A. L. Leal Rodriguez, The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on consumer purchasing motivation and behavior. European Research on Management and Business Economics. Vol. 27, nº 3, págs. 1-18, Mayo 2021-Agosto de 2021.. ISSN: 2444-8834. Repositorio:
  • J. L. González Porras, J. L. Ruiz-Alba Robledo, J. Morales Mediano, Customer orientation and e-WOM in the hotel sector. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising. Vol. 15, nº 3, págs. 302-326, Mayo de 2021.. ISSN: 14775212. Repositorio:
  • J. L. Ruiz-Alba Robledo, V. F. Guzmán Parra, J. R. Vila Oblitas, J. Morales Mediano, Entrepreneurial Intentions: a bibliometric analysis. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. Vol. 28, nº 1, págs. 121-133, Enero de 2021.. ISSN: 1462-6004.
  • J. Morales Mediano, J. L. Ruiz-Alba Robledo, Customer Orientation in Highly Relational Services. Marketing Intelligence & Planning. Vol. 38, nº 2, págs. 209-223, Junio-julio de 2019.. ISSN: 0263-4503. Repositorio:
  • J. L. Ruiz-Alba Robledo, R. Guesalaga, R. Ayestarán, J. Morales Mediano, Interfunctional coordination: the role of digitalization. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. Vol. 35, nº 3, págs. 404-419, Marzo de 2020.. ISSN: 0885-8624. Repositorio:
  • J. Morales Mediano, J. L. Ruiz-Alba Robledo, New perspective on customer orientation of service employees: a conceptual framework. Service Industries Journal. Págs. 1-17, Marzo de 2018.. ISSN: 0264-2069. Repositorio:
  • J. Morales Mediano, J. L. Ruiz-Alba Robledo, I. Pazos Villas, R. Ayestarán, Customer Orientation in Family Business. European Journal of Family Business. Vol. 9, nº 1, págs. 21-28, Enero-junio de 2019.. ISSN: 2444-877X. Repositorio:
  • J. Morales Mediano, J. L. Ruiz-Alba Robledo. . The Market Orientation and Customer Orientation Continuum: A Literature Review for Service Marketing. Págs. 1786-1794, Sevilla, 7 de junio de 2019.. ISBN/ISSN/Depósito Legal/Página Web: 978-84-09-11934-9. Repositorio:
Experiencia profesional

2013-2014 General Manager / Shareholder Cervecería La Toná.

2012-2013 Deputy General Manager Leca Graphics.

2010-2012 Strategic Consulting Manager KPMG.

2007-2010 Strategic Consultant Europraxis.

2003-2005 Operations Engineer Grupo Antolin.

2002-2003 Logistics Engineer IVECO.

Acreditaciones externas

Sexenio Campo 8 - Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales (2017-2022)..

Certificación ANECA - Profesor de Universidad Privada (16/06/2023)..

Certificación ANECA - Profesor Contratado Doctor (16/06/2023)..

Certificación ANECA - Profesor Ayudante Doctor (15/01/2021)..

Formación adicional

Teaching with Cases - Harvard Business School.

Disruptive Business Models - MIT Sloan School of Management.

Programa Ejecutivo en Business Analytics - Universidad Pontificia Comillas.

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