López Valdés, Francisco José

Categoría: Propio Adjunto de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ICAI), Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica

Francisco Lopez-Valdes obtained a degree on Mechanical Engineer from the University of Valladolid (Spain) in 2002. After graduation, he participated in the development of the Crash Analysis department of the CIDAUT Foundation. In 2006, he joined the European Center for Injury Prevention of the University of Navarra (Spain). In 2007, Francisco was granted a postgraduate fellowship from ?La Caixa? Foundation and he moved to the University of Virginia (USA) where he completed a PhD. His doctoral dissertation focused on pediatric impact biomechanics. Francisco returned to Spain in 2012 thanks to a Marie Curie European Union fellowship (Bio-Advance project). At the University of Zaragoza, he coordinated the establishment of the first crash test laboratory with capabilities for Post Mortem Human Surrogate tests in Spain. His current research focuses on injury biomechanics and injury prevention, with a focus on road traffic injuries. In 2017, Francisco joined the faculty of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Engineering School (ICAI) of the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas and became Associate Member of IIT. Francisco is a council member of the International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI) and member of the Board of the Association for the Advancement of the Automotive Medicine. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the journals Injury Prevention, Injury Epidemiology and Journal of Healthcare Engineering


Despacho: 317

Teléfono: Ext. 2402

Correo electrónico: fjlvaldescomillas.edu

Perfil del investigador

Formación académica

Doctor/a, University of Virginia de Estados Unidos de América.

Ingeniero Industrial, Universidad de Valladolid.

Áreas de Investigación


Seguridad vehiculos.

Prevencion de lesiones.

Experiencia docente

El profesor Francisco José López Valdés tiene 8 años de experiencia en esta Universidad, y en los últimos años ha impartido las siguientes asignaturas:

  • Mecánica

  • Injury Biomechanics

  • Crashworthiness +OC

  • Integrated Safety and Restraint Systems + OC

  • Trabajo Fin de Grado

  • Crashworthiness

  • Global Transportation

  • Electric Vehicles +OC

  • Master Thesis (MMS)

  • Technology and Methods for Mobility and Safety +OC

  • Trabajo Fin de Máster (MII)

  • Assistance Systems and Sensor Technology

  • Integrated Safety and Restraint Systems +OC

Publicaciones Seleccionadas
  • C. M.ª Vives Torres, M. Valdano, J. R. Jiménez Octavio, J. Muehlbauer, S. Schick, S. Peldschus, F. J. López Valdés, Comparison of upper neck loading in young adult and elderly volunteers during low speed frontal impacts. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. Vol. online, págs. 682974-1-682974-12, Diciembre de 2021.. ISSN: 2296-4185. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/57329.
  • H. Ospina Mateus, L. A. Quintana Jiménez, F. J. López Valdés, S. Berrio Garcia, L. H. Barrero Solano, S. Sankar Sana, Extraction of decision rules using genetic algorithms and simulated annealing for prediction of severity of traffic accidents by motorcyclists. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. Vol. online, nº 11, págs. 10051-10072, Noviembre de 2021.. ISSN: 1868-5137. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/56062.
  • L. F. Sánchez Merchante, A. Carnicero López, F. J. López Valdés, J. R. Jiménez Octavio, La movilidad urbana como métrica de la COVID-19. Dyna (Spain). Vol. online, nº 4, págs. 368-372, Julio de 2021.. ISSN: 0012-7361. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/57370.
  • L. F. Sánchez Merchante, D. Clar Ramírez, A. Carnicero López, F. J. López Valdés, J. R. Jiménez Octavio, Real-time CO2 emissions estimation in Spain and application to the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. online, págs. 126425-1-126425-11, Mayo de 2021.. ISSN: 0959-6526. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/56039.
  • H. Ospina Mateus, L. A. Quintana Jiménez, F. J. López Valdés, S. Sankar Sana, Prediction of motorcyclist traffic crashes in Cartagena (Colombia): development of a safety performance function. RAIRO-Operations Research. Vol. online, nº 3, págs. 1257-1278, Mayo de 2021.. ISSN: 0399-0559. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/56043.
  • R. Suárez del Fueyo, M. Junge, F. J. López Valdés, H. C. Gabler, L. Woerner, S. Hiermaier, Cluster analysis of seriously injured occupants in motor vehicle crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention. Vol. online, págs. 105787-1-105787-12, Marzo de 2021.. ISSN: 0001-4575. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/56051.
  • R. Suárez del Fueyo, M. Junge, F. J. López Valdés, H. C. Gabler, L. Woerner, S. Hiermaier, Injury patterns within clusters of seriously injured occupants comparing real-world crashes in the United States and the European Union. Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. online, nº Supl 1, págs. S78-S83, Octubre de 2020.. ISSN: 1538-9588. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/56086.
  • F. J. López Valdés, K. Bohman, J. R. Jiménez Octavio, D. Logan, W. Raphael, L. A. Quintana Jiménez, R. Suárez del Fueyo, S. Koppel, Understanding users’ characteristics in the selection of vehicle seating configurations and positions in fully automated vehicles. Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. online, nº Supl 1, págs. S19-S24, Octubre de 2020.. ISSN: 1538-9588. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/56084.
  • H. Ospina Mateus, L. A. Quintana Jiménez, F. J. López Valdés, Understanding motorcyclist-related accidents in Colombia. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion. Vol. online, nº 2, págs. 215-231, Abril de 2020.. ISSN: 1745-7300. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/44892.
  • S. Koppel, J. R. Jiménez Octavio, K. Bohman, D. Logan, W. Raphael, L. A. Quintana Jiménez, F. J. López Valdés, Seating configuration and position preferences in fully automated vehicles. Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. online, nº Sup 2, págs. S103-S109, Noviembre de 2019.. ISSN: 1538-9588. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/43620.
  • H. Ospina Mateus, L. A. Quintana Jiménez, F. J. López Valdés, K. Salas Navarro, Bibliometric analysis in motorcycle accident research: a global overview. Scientometrics. Vol. online, nº 2, págs. 793-815, Noviembre de 2019.. ISSN: 0138-9130. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/43584.
  • F. J. López Valdés, K. Mroz, A. Eggers, B. Pipkorn, J. Muehlbauer, S. Schick, S. Peldschus, Chest injuries of elderly Post Mortem Human Surrogates (PMHS) under seat belt and airbag loading in frontal sled impacts. Comparison to matching THOR tests. Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. online, nº Sup 2, págs. S55-S63, Marzo de 2018.. ISSN: 1538-9588. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/33225.
  • O. Juste Lorente, M. V. Maza Frechín, A. I. Lorente Corellano, F. J. López Valdés, Differences in the kinematics of booster-seated pediatric occupants using two different car seats. Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 19, nº 1, págs. 18-22, Enero de 2018.. ISSN: 1538-9588. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/25138.
  • F. J. López Valdés, O. Juste Lorente, M. V. Maza Frechín, B. Pipkorn, C. Sunnevang, A. I. Lorente Corellano, A. Aso Vizán, J. Davidsson, Analysis of occupant kinematics and dynamics in nearside oblique impacts. Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 17, nº Sup 1, págs. 86-92, Septiembre de 2016.. ISSN: 1538-9588. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/25140.
  • B. Pipkorn, F. J. López Valdés, O. Juste Lorente, R. Insausti Serrano, C. Lundgren, C. Sunnevang, Assessment of an innovative seatbelt with independent control of the shoulder and lap portions using THOR tests, the THUMS model and PMHS tests. Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 17, nº Sup 1, págs. 124-130, Septiembre de 2016.. ISSN: 1538-9588. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/25141.
  • F. J. López Valdés, O. Juste Lorente, M. Maza, B. Pipkorn, C. Sunnevang, A. Lorente Corellano, A. Aso, J. Davidsson, Analysis of occupant kinematics and dynamics in nearside oblique impacts. Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 17:sup1, págs. 86-92, Septiembre de 2016.. ISSN: 1538-9588. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/23607.
  • B. Pipkorn, F. J. López Valdés, O. Juste Lorente, R. Insausti, C. Lundgren, C. Sunnevang, Assessment of an innovative seat belt with independent control of the shoulder and lap portions using THOR tests, the THUMS model, and PMHS tests. Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 17, nº sup1, págs. 124-130, Septiembre de 2016.. ISSN: 1538-9588. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/23831.
  • J. L. Forman, F. J. López Valdés, S. Duprey, D. Bose, E. Pozo de Dios, D. Subit, T. Gillispie, J. R. Crandall, M.ª Seguí Gómez, The tolerance of the human body to automobile collision impact - a systematic review of injury biomechanics research, 1990-2009. Accident Analysis & Prevention. Vol. 80, págs. 7-17, Julio de 2015.. ISSN: 0001-4575. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/25142.
  • J. Forman, F. J. López Valdés, S. Duprey, D. Bose, E. del Pozo, D. Subit, T. Gillespie, J. Crandall, M.ª Segui, The tolerance of the human body to automobile collision impact ? a systematic review of injury biomechanics research, 1990?2009. Accident Analysis & Prevention. Vol. 80, págs. 7-17, Marzo de 2015.. ISSN: 0001-4575. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/23832.
  • F. J. López Valdés, O. Juste Lorente, B. Pipkorn, I. García Muñoz, C. Sunnevang, M. Dahlgren, J. J. Alba López, A comparison of the performance of two advanced restraint systems in frontal impacts. Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 15, nº Sup 1, págs. S119-S125, Septiembre de 2014.. ISSN: 1538-9588. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/25143.
  • M.ª Seguí Gómez, F. J. López Valdés, Injury severity scaling, en , Injury research: theories, methods and approaches, pág. 281-295, Springer, Nueva York, 2012.. ISBN: 978-1-4614-1598-5. Repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/35036.
Otras actividades relevantes

IRCOBI (International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury) Council Member www.ircobi.org.

Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM), Board of Directors www.aaam.org.

Experiencia profesional

October 2016 - University of Virginia, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (Center for Applied Biomechanics), Visiting Research Assistant Professor.

July 2014- June 2017 Universidad de Zaragoza, Instituto I3A Senior Research Assistant Technical director, Impact Laboratory.

July 2012-June 2014 Universidad de Zaragoza, Instituto I3A Marie Curie Fellow.

July 2007-June 2012 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA. Graduate Research Assistant (Center for Applied Biomechanics). Advisor: Prof. Richard Kent.

2006-2007 Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. Research Assistant (European Center for Injury Prevention)..

2004-2006 CIDAUT (Fundación para la Investigación en Energía y Automoción), Valladolid, Spain. Member of the Research Commission of the Center. Responsible for research and innovation within the Crash Analysis department..

2003-2004 CIDAUT (Fundación para la Investigación en Energía y Automoción) Valladolid, Spain. Junior Project engineer, focusing on proposal writing and Project management of both European and National projects..

2002-2006 Universidad de Valladolid, Spain Part-time lecturer within the Mechanical Engineering department..

Acreditaciones externas

Sexenio Campo 6.1 - Ingenierías y Arquitectura - Tecnologías Mecánicas y de la Producción (2018-2023)..

Sexenio Campo 6.3 - Ingenierías y Arquitectura - Arquitectura, Ingeniería Civil, Construcción y Urbanismo (2012-2017)..

Sexenio Campo 6.3 - Ingenierías y Arquitectura - Arquitectura, Ingeniería Civil, Construcción y Urbanismo (2004-2011)..

Certificación ANECA - Profesor Titular de Universidad (23/03/2015)..

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