Categoría: Propio Adjunto de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales
Andrea Betti holds a Ph.D. in International Studies from the School of International Studies at the University of Trento. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and a Master's Degree in International Relations from University of Bologna. He was Professor of International Relations Theory in various universities in Spain and Latin America, such as the Latin-American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO Ecuador, Quito). He completed several research fellowships at the University of Westminster (London) and at the University of California, in its Washington D.C. campus. His main research areas are International Relations Theory and Foreign Policy Analysis, especially applied to the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, and Italy. In his research, he studies the interactions among national and international actors and factors – leaders, political parties, governments, international institutions, ideologies, and discourses – in the definition and implementation of foreign policy. For example, he investigated the impact of international ideas, such as the responsibility to protect (R2P), humanitarian intervention, and international justice, or the impact of national ideologies and discourses, such as populism, on foreign policymaking. Moreover, he conducts research on teaching innovation in Political Science and International Relations, for example by studying the impact of the Flipped Classroom or Visual Thinking through movies and documentaries in the teaching of International Relations. He is part of several research projects about Foreign Policy Analysis of Spain and Italy and about Teaching Innovation in International Relations. In his research, he mostly uses qualitative techniques, such as document analysis, discourse analysis, focus groups and interviews. Since 2016, he is Tenured Professor of International Relations Theory in the Department of International Relations of the Pontifical University Comillas.
Despacho: Calle Universidad Comillas, 3-5, 28049 Madrid, 416
Teléfono: 4438
Correo electrónico:
Laurea in Relazioni Internazionali, (Homologado por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia).
Doctor en Estudios Internacionales por la Universitá degli studi di Trento, Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
Clio: España en las relaciones internacionales. Historia, ideas, imágenes, acción política.
International Relations Theory.
Foreign Policy Analysis (USA, UK, Spain, Italy).
International Norms and Ideas.
Innovation in Teaching International Relations and Political Science.
El profesor Andrea Betti tiene 9 años de experiencia en esta Universidad, y en los últimos años ha impartido las siguientes asignaturas:
Introducción a las Relaciones Internacionales
Introducción a las Relaciones Internacionales
Política Exterior de la Unión Europea
Seminario de actualidad internacional I
Módulo 2: Política Internacional
Trabajo de fin de Grado
Estudios regionales: Europa
-Research Scholarship, Graduate School of.
International Studies, University of Trento.
Project: Great Powers and International Norms (November-December 2010).
-PhD Scholarship, Graduate School of.
International Studies.
University of Trento (November 2007-December 2010).
-Exchange Student Scholarship.
Eduacation Abroad Program.
University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) (September 2005-July 2006).
-Best Paper Award School of Political Philosophy.
"Luigi Einaudi" Foundation, Torino (September 2005).
-Invited Professor International Relations Theory.
Department of International Studies and Communication.
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales.
(FLACSO), Quito, Ecuador (January-February 2016).
-Professor International Relations Theory.
Department of International Studies and Communication.
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales.
(FLACSO), Quito, Ecuador (March 2015-August 2015).
-Professor International Relations Theory.
Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication.
Universidad Europea (Madrid, España) (February 2012-February 2015).
-Adjunct Professor.
International Relations Theory.
Spring Hill College Bologna Center (January 2011- April 2011).
Certificación ANECA - Profesor Ayudante Doctor (11/11/2022)..
Certificación ANECA - Profesor de Universidad Privada (11/11/2022)..
Certificación ANECA - Profesor Contratado Doctor (11/11/2022)..
Sexenio Campo 7.1 - Ciencias Sociales, Políticas, del Comportamiento y de Estudios de Género (2016-2021)..
Visiting Fellow, Centre for the Study of Democracy,.
University of Westminster, Londres (UK) (2009).
Visiting Fellow, University of California,.
Washington Center, Washington D.C. (USA) (2009-2010).
M.A. International Relations.
University of Bologna (2005-2006).
B.A. Political Science and International Relations.
University of Bologna (2001-2004).